Soap Flakes Dispensers

Soap Flakes Dispensers

Soap dispensers that inspired by cheese graters and peppermills, created by Swiss designer Nathalie Staempfli. More pictures after the jump.

From the designer:
“Today, most of the soap we use is liquid soap, which contains a lot of water. Block soap instead is more concentrated and therefore has some ecological benefits: You don’t transport unnecessary water around. In place of plastic bottles you can simply use paper for packaging. The solid blocks can easily be piled and allow a greater space efficiency in a truck.

But what about the usage of soap bars? I don’t like the weird slippery feeling when I use them. It gives me goose bumps. And under the shower, it always slides out of your fingers. Hand soap also often gets dirty and accumulates bacteria when more than one person is using it.”

Soap Flakes Dispensers

Soap Flakes Dispensers


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