Learn 8 basic card tricks with Essentials of Card Magic, it is now available for free. Usual price at $1.99.
Never before has there been an iPhone application with such a great value. Magic is a dying art. Less and less people are becoming interested because it’s less and less accessible. Those who do want to learn magic end up spending hundreds of dollars on the simplest of concepts. Not anymore. Essentials of Magic: Card Basics brings nearly an hour of video instruction by professional magician, Quinn Nelson. For just $1.99, you get over $75 of magic you won’t find for the same price anywhere else.
Download after the jump.
1. Intro to Card Magic
2. Stage Presence
3. What Cards Do I Need?
4. The Mechanics Grip
5. Breaks
6. Swingcuts
7. Double Undercuts
8. Double Lifts