Month: November 2009
Rocking Names Book
Rocking Names Book contains 50 children with special names and why they got these great names from theirs parents. Photographed by Timo Sorber…Read the rest of this entry »
iRiver Domino USB Flash Drive
Reigncom iRiver Domino USB flash drive is currently available in 2GB, 4GB, 16GB and 32GB models…Read the rest of this entry »
Star Wars Imperial Walker Cake
Star Wars AT-AT Imperial Walker cake in fine detail hand crafted…Read the rest of this entry »
Ubuntu 9.10 First Look
The Ubuntu Linux menagerie has birthed a new creature, the Karmic Koala, with the release last week of Ubuntu Linux 9.10. The successor to the release code named Jaunty Jackalope (aka version 9.04) boasts a herd of changes and enhancements that are so…Read the rest of this entry »